Thursday, April 23, 2009

The Wiki-Tree on SL

Here's how to use it, one of the most innovative features in SL:

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Second Life Pilot Project - Ecosystem

Here's an idea - we could use USC eLand to showcase interactive, dynamic ecosystems in a variety of different biomes (ocean, tundra, desert, etc).

Theme: Biome Park & Creators' Area
Required: Builds for 7 biomes (Desert, Tundra, Forest, Grassland, Caves, Marine, Freshwater)

- Interaction between clouds, sun, wind speed, plant growth, etc
- Incorporation of Architectural Jazz (and hence, Reflexive Architecture): Ambient music is generated by interactions of avatar and environment with objects

Creator's Area: On top of the current grassy mountain, with a sculpture fountain of the many AVs that have worked on USC eLand. When clicked on, sculptures will "come to life" with light and flexi effects, similar to the girl at Black Swan

Other ideas? Comment, if you will...